Balancing FPGA performance and design productivity of FPGA acceleration 



  报告人:Cheng Liu, National University of Singapore

  摘要:Developing applications that run on FPGAs is without doubt a very different experience from writing programs in software. Not only is the hardware design process fundamentally different from that of software development, software programmers also often find themselves constantly battling with the much lower design productivity in developing hardware designs. FPGA overlay, which is a virtual reconfigurable architecture overlaying on top of the physical FPGA configurable fabrics is generating a lot of excitements because of their potentials to address the design producitivity problem and is gaining traction among researchers recently.

  In this talk, I will present a soft coarse grained reconfigurable array (SCGRA) overlay based loop accelerator generation framework named QuickDough. It targets typical CPU-FPGA architectures and is able to produce hardware accelerators rapidly. Given a user-designated loop for acceleration, QuickDough automatically generates and optimizes the corresponding hardware accelerator and its associated data I/O facilities with the host software.

  报告人简介:Cheng Liu is a research fellow in school of computing at National University of Singapore. He got PhD degree from the University of Hong Kong. Before that, he got B.Eng and Msc from Harbin Institute of Technology. His research interests include FPGA overlay, FPGA acceleration and reconfigurable computing.