Quality of Service Techniques for Mixed-Latency Workloads

  主讲人: Assoc.Prof. Mattan Erez , University of Texas at Austin

  报告时间:2018年6月15日(周五) 下午 14:30-15:30

  报告地点:计算所 446会议室


  Quality of service (QoS) is a critical requirement for many client and server workloads. In particular, many workloads are a mix of latency-sensitive (soft realtime) and latency insensitive (throughput) tasks. I will discuss techniques my group has been researching on balancing the conflicting goals of minimizing missed task completion targets while maximizing task throughput and execution efficiency. I will discuss aspects relating to balancing shared on-chip resources, heterogeneous memory hierarchies with a mix of DRAM and NVM, and the added complexities of systems with (AI) accelerators.


  Mattan Erez is an Associate Professor and a Temple Foundation Faculty Fellow at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at the University of Texas at Austin. His research focuses on improving the performance, efficiency, and scalability of computing systems through advances in memory systems, hardware architecture, software systems, and programming models. The vision is to increase the cooperation across system layers and develop flexible and adaptive mechanisms for proportional resource usage. Mattan received a BSc in Electrical Engineering and a BA in Physics from the Technion, Israel Institute of Technology and his MS and PhD. in Electrical Engineering from Stanford University. He was awarded a Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers from President Obama and received an Early Career Research Award from the Department of Energy and an NSF CAREER Award.